Borrego Sun - Since 1949

Dog: Kiki


Last updated 6/20/2024 at 8:29am


In this section, we'd like to highlight Borrego's pets, our loyal and friendly companions. If you have a pet you'd like to showcase, please email: with the subject line "Pets Corner"

Name: Kiki

Owner: Candy O'Key

Breed: Cavachon (King Cavalier, and Bichon)

Age: 12

Things I do: Go to the dog park

Things I hate: Bath time

Favorite toys: Red bear and giraffe with no stuffing

Fun fact: Loves her best friend Babsie O'Connor

"OK mom time to quit your puzzle and play with me. I've got my favorite red bear. I left one eye and the stuffing in, so let's go."