Borrego Sun - Since 1949

Clearcoat Sculpts Vintage at THOBS


Last updated 3/18/2024 at 10:42am

Allison Beaudry – House Of Borrego Springs West Gallery

March 2nd – April 28th

'Clearcoat,' Allison Beaudry's original sculpture and vintage object assemble collection takes us on an artistic journey back to the 1960's. In the artist's words, 'with artworks that draw parallels between the sleek curves and seductive finish of classic cars and the male gaze of the female body.' This is a must see show premiering at the West Gallery showing through April 28.

Beaudry is an innovative, intelligent, visually provocative, thought provoking, talented artist with tremendous potential for future success in the Art World.

Beaudry explores in this collection the 'mechanical seductive quality of certain automotive design.' Described in her artist statement. ' The clearcoated candy finish of Beaurdy's sculptures inspires a 'push pull,' within the viewer- the insatiable urge to touch a silky surface paired with the untouchability of an art object.' Beaudry built inspiration for the collection by researching classic car design, color, automotive paint finish, as well as browsing through vintage Playboy magazines.

Beaudry's assembled works remind us of gender divide of the 60's and the sometimes comical methods women used 60 years ago for personal styling.

There is a correlation between the feminist movement of the 60's 70's and Baudry's artwork. We see vintage beauty and physical fitness devices that illustrates the dichotomy between the gender roles and borderline body dysmorphia that drove women to use these devices.

The second wave feminism movement took place in the 60's and 70's focusing on issues of equality and discriminations. Women fought to secure a stronger societal role. Upsetting long established social norms that brought about ground breaking changes in the American political, legal systems, to end sexism, sexist exploitation and oppression. The idealized feminine body of the 60's decade was an hourglass shape with bigger breasts, a tiny waist and wide hips. Beaudry's Bodywomen Dress,' sculpture created with built up applied bondo, sculpturally sanded into form, painted with automotive paint, and clear coated, epitomizes this standard.

Beaudry collaborated with her father Michael who has an auto body shop to develop the collection. Michael assisted in the process teaching Beaudry how to use automotive repair techniques and use of automotive repair materials including Clearcoat applications. The artist pay's 'homage,' to her father's business and honors his craft . She also talks about ' inserting a female narrative in a male dominated industry.' Through their father daughter collaboration evolved a gender transcending creative language.

Beaudry also mentions she recognizes in the 'Clearcoat.' collection influences of the "Finish Fetish, art movement of the 1960's inspired by LA's ubiquitous Surf and Car culture. Los Angles then was synonymous with modernity and mass culture the Finish Fetish movement transformed LA from an art world afterthought into a hub of contemporary art. Artist's adopted a new approach using resins, paints and application techniques borrowed from the automotive techniques to create gleaming works that were ebullient reflections of the petroleum fueled consumer culture that LA epitomized.

Beginning in the 1960's and 70's female artists in response to the very male dominated art scene of the time starting using a variety of mediums, including performance art, to create art aimed at ending sexism and oppression, exposing femininity to be a masquerade of set poses adopted by women to confirm to societal expectations. Debates inaugurated in these decades are still ongoing.

Beaudry, 'Clearcoat,' reminds the viewer that women, in terms of their beauty persona, the masked facade presented to satisfy the demands of the situation or the environment dose not represent the inner personality of the individual.

This collection inspires conversation about the on going gender divisions from an artist's point of view.

Allison Beaudry will give an ARTTALK on Saturday April 6, 3 p.m. at the West Gallery – I anticipate this ARTTALK will be fascinating. Mark your calendar.