RRC Christmas Bazaar Raises Funds for Children's Center
Last updated 2/15/2024 at 11:23am
A long time fundraiser at The RoadRunner Club, the Annual Christmas Bazaar was held on December 16, sponsored by the RoadRunner Club Association and for the first time, headed by RoadRunner Club Office Staff Zaida Harlow. Upon learning that the former volunteer leader of the event would not be returning, Zaida jumped in with both feet and gave dozens of hours of her time to pull the event together.
The bazaar featured more than a dozen arts and crafts vendors, including knitted and crocheted items, hand-made jewelry, hand-carved native American drums and talking sticks, home-made baked goods, and free hot cocoa for everyone.
The event netted almost $2700 for the Children’s Center, a huge success!
Zaida said, “It was my pleasure to do this for the Children’s Center. My husband Kerry and his brother both attended the Center, and so did my co-worker Chris Faubel’s two children. To me, it is a part of our family history and a very special place. It is vital to the working families of our community.”
Back in April, the Borrego Open Golf Tournament raised nearly $6,000 for the Children’s Center.
RoadRunner Club General Manager Rich Pinel and Springs RV Manager Paul Goodrich who both worked very hard to make this event happen.