Study of Softeners Underway


Last updated 9/14/2023 at 11:17am

During August, the Borrego Water District will be initiating a process to quantify the number of in home water softeners in its sewer service area. The data gathered and subsequent Study is required by the State of California as part of BWD Discharge Permit to operate its Wastewater Treatment Plant. The Permit is issued every 10 years and was last done in 2017.

Self-regenerating water softeners discharge highly concentrated salt based brine into the sewer system. The accumulated impact of these discharges increases Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) at the wastewater treatment plant and eventually into the Groundwater Basin thru Percolation Ponds.

BWD is required to survey its customers and quantify the use of self regenerating softeners. The data will be transmitted to the State and depending upon the results of the survey will lead to a TDS Management Plan.

BWD Sewer customers will be receiving information thru the mail and from various local homeowners associations. BWD encourages anyone who receives the survey to respond. The efficient operation of our Wastewater Treatment Plant and Groundwater Basin Water Quality depend upon the results.