Borrego Sun - Since 1949

Borrego Springs Observes Memorial Day


Last updated 6/21/2023 at 9:19am

As with many around the country, Borrego Springs observed Memorial Day on Monday May 29. At Christmas Circle, townsfolk and visitors alike were in attendance to honor those who served protecting our country. The event began with the posting of the Colors, Pledge of Allegiance and our National Anthem. Music was also provided by the ever so lovely Judy Tayor. Legion Chaplain Dale Jones was the emcee for the day, and the American Legion Women's Auxiliary shared a few words during the ceremony. Pastor Mateo Mamea of the Borrego Springs Community United Methodist Church said a beautiful blessing. To conclude the ceremony, a heartfelt rendition of "Taps" was played, and the rifle team did the final 21-gun salute.