Borrego Sun - Since 1949

"Don't Ruin Our State Park with Solar Panels"


Last updated 6/15/2023 at 10:36am

Thank you for the excellent letter regarding the Solar panels , aquifers and toxic soil in the March 30 issue of the Borrego Sun on Page 5.

In 1961, my grandmother took me by train from Chicago to California stopping at every large state park. She said at that time “I want you to see this before it’s gone.” What a glorious sight the american land was! The green fields as far as the eye could see, the clear water in the Snake River by raft, the woolly buffalo grazing. The native american indian tribes were standing by the tracks with their gorgeous textiles and jewelry to make their sales. I still have the beaded moccasins, shell and turquoise bracelets and rings.

I was privileged as well, I know, but there were pictures in National Geographic and in museums by Edward Curtis that were available to the public. It surprises me now that the Battle of Little Big Horn was not so many years before I stood there.

My family and I have been living and volunteering in Borrego since 1985. We were drawn to the lovely climate and clear air and this connection with history. You could see Picacho Peak in Arizona from our porch.

Every year since then, we arrive in Borrego later and leave earlier. Our decision about whether or not to continue to live in Borrego will have to do with the outcome of the battle over the Solar installation and the Borrego State Park.

Pamela Granbery

– Borrego Springs, California

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