Borrego Sun - Since 1949

Hawkwatch Launches Early


Last updated 3/14/2023 at 12:02pm

This bulletin arrived just at press time from Hal Cohen, coordinator of the annual Borrego Hawkwatch that monitors the northern migration of Swainson’s hawks as they roost here on their long journey.

“We officially opened the data gathering season today at Borrego Valley Hawkwatch. We had a very early migration of Swainson’s Hawks with 75 this morning along with almost 50 turkey vultures.

This evening at least 150 turkey vultures and 100-plus Swainson’s Hawks arrived just before 5 p.m. Both the vultures and hawks are in the Roadrunner Club in Eucalyptus Trees on the north side (between the Roadrunner and The Springs RV Park). Unfortunately, the wind might pick up early. If so the hawks and vultures will begin migration at 7a.m. or so,” Cohen said.

Best viewing is probably at the Hawk Watch evening site, located 1.5 miles north of Palm Canyon Drive on Borrego Valley Road or on DiGiorgio near the entrance to The Springs RV Park when there is a west, northwest wind.

Volunteer hawk watchers will be in the field at 8 a.m. each day at the official county site, located on DiGiorgio Road, 2.8 miles north of Palm Canyon Drive. Each evening starting an hour before sunset, counters meet on Borrego Valley Road, 1.8 miles north of Palm Canyon Drive. You can check in at the official count site to see where the hawks might be roosting.