Borrego Sun - Since 1949

Visit from Issa Staff


Last updated 8/26/2022 at 2:31pm

On August 5, Jennifer Haynes, Legislative Director for Congressman Darrell Issa’s office, visited Borrego Springs, and the Borrego Water District in particular, to get an update on the current water situation, as well as ways we may continue to work together in the future.

Approximately four months ago, Jeff Solsby from Congressman Issa’s staff reached out to BWD about a possible Grant opportunity, and although the Grant did not turn out to be applicable for BWD, the parties continued to talk about current needs. BWD has extensive pipeline repair work that needs to be done, and when the situation was presented to Jeff, Congressman Issa has graciously added projects on his list for a direct appropriation. Specifically, replacement of aging pipelines in Sun Gold and installation of a new transmission main in Borrego Springs Road are the two projects eligible for the appropriation. The final decision is due in the next month or two. The projects are also supported by Senator Padilla to provide bi cameral support

In terms of the August 5 visit, following a morning hike with her husband to Slot Canyon, Jennifer was full of energy when she arrived at BWD and was greeted by General Manager Geoff Poole and Board President Kathy Dice. BWD representatives had Jennifers undivided attention as we provided an update of the Basin status (adjudicated), the role of the Watermaster and upcoming GMP update. Following the Basin overview the rest of the time was spent focusing on the current condition of BWD and its short and long term needs. To put the issues into perspective, the conversation took place during a tour of the Basin that included stops at the Twin Tanks (soon to be replaced), Sun Gold (location of pipeline project eligible for funding), Indian Head Tank (soon to be replaced) Agriculture area, BS Resort, BWD Wastewater Treatment Plant, Rams Hill and others.

Unfortunately, a drive by at the two SVP locations was part of the tour. Coincidentally, Congressman Issa and California State Senator Brian Jones were on TV that morning prior to the hearing.

By the end of the two plus hour meeting, BWD felt very satisfied that Jennifer is equipped with a full update on key issues and a willingness to continue to work together on funding opportunities and possibly an event in Borrego Springs in the future.

BWD wishes to thank Congressman Issa, Jeff and Jennifer for their efforts and their sincere interest in seeing Borrego Springs prosper.