Borrego Sun - Since 1949

Tank Replacement Process Begins


Last updated 8/19/2022 at 9:22am

BWD has secured project grant funding from the State of California Regional Water Quality Control Board in the amount of $2,048,362 to replace the Twin Tanks, Indian Head Tank, and the Rams Hill #2. The Project is needed to replace aging tanks that have served the entire Community well and now exceeded their calculated useful life of 40+ years old. The Design and Contract/Bid documents were prepared by BWD Staff and are currently being advertised for public bidding at this time.

The first of the tanks to be reconstructed is the Twin Tanks that were originally constructed in the early 1970’s. The two existing tanks with 220,000 gallons of capacity each will be replaced with two bolted steel tanks by one shorter but larger diameter bolted tank of similar capacity and colored to match the surrounding desert as much as possible. BWD successfully constructed and has operated a similar tank for approximately four years near Rams Hill.

With the concurrence from Parks Staff, the non-native trees and vegetation previously surrounding the tank were already removed by BWD crews in preparation for construction. The existing native vegetation will remain and be protected as much as possible during construction.

During the design phase, it was determined that there is no existing easement in favor of the District for the water pipeline and the access road that serves the Twin Tanks, so the Board recently accepted an easement from State Parks.

Replacement of Indian Head and Rams Hill #2 will follow. Bids are scheduled to be opened in late August and the Projects take approximately 24 months to construct.