Borrego Sun - Since 1949

By Martha Deichler
BSUSD School-Community Liaison 

BSUSD: What Happens Next?

“Something must be done to address these serious issues”


Last updated 5/19/2022 at 1:07pm

Last month, over 20 parents showed up at the Borrego Springs Unified School District Board meeting to speak out about their concerns and fears for their children at Borrego Springs Elementary School.

Their concerns ranged from the quality of the cafeteria food to procedures for handling weapons, bullying and discipline on campus. The prevailing feeling expressed was their fear for the safety of their children. Parents want to see safety protocols in place and staff trained in these protocols. In addition, they wish their voices to be heard by the school, the district administration and the Board of Education.

Based on the volume of complaints and anecdotal stories from emotional parents, something must be done to address these serious issues to ensure that our students are safe and feel safe while at school. Parents must also share this same confidence in the school’s Safety Plan. Without this, the educational program will be derailed and students will suffer.

School safety will always be the number one focus of every school staff member as well as district administration. With procedures in place to address school safety along with adequate, observant and trained staff on campus at all times, tenuous situations can be avoided or handled swiftly and appropriately.

The District will hold a Parent Meeting with BSUSD on Thursday May 19. These same concerned parents will have an opportunity to be heard by the school district administration a second time. This meeting will address parents’ concerns and result in a specific plan for improvement.

School Board meetings are a place where parents can express their concerns, their joys and pose questions about their child’s education. Our parents should be applauded for their courageous actions. It is not easy to take a stand in an environment that can be unfamiliar and intimidating.

These parents arrived prepared, organized and rehearsed. Their goal was for their presentation to be about their children and their safety. Their voices were heard and now it is our turn to respond to their concerns with a concrete plan for improvement and on-going communication.