Borrego Sun - Since 1949

BASIC: Circle of Art Returns, March 12 – 13


Last updated 3/1/2022 at 1:30pm

Basic Assistance to Students in the Community (BASIC) is pleased to announce that our 2022 Fine Art Show & Sale is going ahead, subject to all current San Diego County, City, and CDC guidelines for COVID-19 at the time of the event in March 2022. Please make a note of the date on your calendar and join this festive event.

Mingle with talented artists in this juried show, learn about new media and talent adding to your valued art collection. Enjoy the beautiful show surrounded by the grandeur of the mountains and get a chance to meet your friends and neighbors whom you may not have seen for a while. There will be food and fun, and all for a good cause, supporting the children of Borrego.

BASIC's Cradle to Graduation (C2G) programs provide opportunities to the Borrego children in the following ways:

With BASIC's sponsorship, over fifty (50) Borrego children through age 5 are currently receiving a free age-appropriate book each month from the Dolly Parton Imagination Library (DPIL).

BASIC's Scholarship Program enables Borrego students to enroll (start-school scholarships) and to continue (stay-in-school scholarships) their college or vocational school education.

Here are a few comments from the scholarship recipients:

"I thank you from the bottom of my heart for the opportunities that your hard work and generosity have given me and many students."

"I cannot thank BASIC enough for the opportunities it has given me to pursue my dream..."

"Thank you so much for your moral and financial support, on behalf of my siblings and me. You have set an amazing example for us and we hope to give back to our community someday."

"Year after year you have helped me achieve my goal of obtaining a bachelor's degree. Without your help I would not have accomplished it. Now I start a new journey...."

The Summer Learning Academy gives a boost to literacy or mathematics to over thirty (30) students each year. In 2021, it made a huge difference through the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. The programs were expanded to include: one class for reading; one class for middle school math; one class for writing; one class for English Language Development

Here are some selected feedback from the Summer Learning Academy 2021 session:

From the students: "I've had a lot of fun and I've grown a lot too." "I hope I come back next year." "I'm going to read more." "I am proud that I have gotten better at things."

From their teachers: "...the kids reestablished a solid base which they needed after the last year and a half." "I am so proud to be a part of something so special as BASIC's summer Learning Academy."

From a parent: "Thank you for inviting my children to such a beautiful experience of summer classes."

If you would like to support our community by contributing to the education of our youth, please visit our website and donate!