Borrego Sun - Since 1949

BWD Activities Status Report


Last updated 12/16/2021 at 12:13pm

The following is an update on issues involving BWD:

Director Brecht Replacement Appointment: The Borrego Water District Board is in the process of replacing recently retired Board Member Lyle Brecht. Any interested persons must be a registered voter within the BWD service area and domiciled in Borrego Springs. The term for the position ends with the November 2022 elections. The deadline for submitting a letter of interest in the position is December 10 at 3 p.m. The Board will consider the appointment at its December 14 Meeting.

Pipeline Extension for SDGE Bidding Initiated: BWD and SDGE are working on the extension of the water system in Borrego Valley Road from The Springs northerly to the Solar Fields. The water is needed for an SDGE pilot project to generate hydrogen fuel using water and electricity. An 8” line approximately one mile in length will be constructed including a fire hydrant near the Solar Fields. BWD has designed the pipeline and is now in the process of hiring the Contractor. Construction is tentatively scheduled to begin in March 2022 and take approximately 4 months to complete. The Engineers Estimate for the project is $500,000 and all BWD costs will be reimbursed in full by SDGE.

Waste Water Treatment Plant Renovation Underway: After almost 40 years of service, BWDs WWTP is undergoing a renovation of all exposed metal and concrete structures/equipment. Metro Builders from San Diego was the low bidder on the project at a cost of $778,000. This Project is funded with a Grant from the State Water Boards. Construction is expected to be complete in six months.