Borrego Sun - Since 1949

Gallery West – House of Borrego Springs


Last updated 12/15/2021 at 11:21am

Artist Wick Alexander is an enigma. His artwork is full of hidden meaning, riddles, double entendres. Viewers get ready to explore Wicks art now showing at The House Of Borrego, West Gallery, with an inquiring mind.

Surface observation can be pleasant but may leave you wandering. There is a sense of increased being to his works.

Featured at the show are a selection of Wick's latest, 'aggregated,' paintings using a technique developed and pioneered by Wick after receiving an inheritance of a large collection of long dormant paints from a departed friend.

Unfortunately the paint in the tubes had hardened and dried up of all pliable value. The paint tube inheritance coincided with the onslaught of the world COVID-19 pandemic. Wick had been muddling around his vast studio using the down time to organize and consider projects.

The paint beckoned to him to be put to use not being one prone to waste, an unusual, unique, inspiration came to Wick. He cut the paint into small irregular paint chips, sorting them into colors he used the chips same as he would paint only the chips had to be adhered to the surface. A new art technique was created Wick named it 'Aggregated Art.' Aggregate means to form a collection from separate parts. Absolutely brilliant.


Wick gave an enthralling Art Talk at The House Of Borrego, West Gallery on Nov. 27. Welcoming everyone into his intriguing personal artistic journey. Wick let us take a peek at some of his artistic life experiences through storytelling.

Robin Brailsford, followed with a West Gallery Art Talk on Dec. 4, featuring her absolutely stunning art to wear collection now showing at Gallery West the jewelry was presented in a fashion show format during her Art Talk.

Robin, 'a keeper of fragile things,' a gatherer of unique, diverse, objects some purchased but many pieces found on walks around her property in Dulzura, San Diego County, or travels.

Robin spontaneously crafts her jewelry without modern accoutrements such as manufactured clasps and joining's. The entire collection makes for a lively, creative conversation. Each piece is an artistic treasure somewhere between art to wear and sculpture as many pieces could also be displayed as wall hangings when not worn.

Enjoy a visit to the collection, you'll experience jewelry in a way you never have before additionally the pieces would make interesting unusual holiday gifts. The House Of Borrego afternoon Art Talks are curated by the talented, art knowledgeable, Elizabeth Rodriquez. I urge art enthusiasts or the curious to attend. Sign up at the Gallery to get notification of future Art Talk dates.

Fritz Liebhardt, West Gallery

Turning 40 Fritz set about plotting the next chapters of his life which lead to him abandoning a twenty year career as an apprentice architect. The switch up took Fritz and his family to Molokai Hawaii and the pursuit of an art career. Presently Fritz balances his time between a studio on Lanai, Hawaii and one in Borrego Springs.

Works on Lanai are focused on preserving and conservation of the pineapple plantation culture which is echoed in Fritz's multifaceted box paintings depicting island life. Also showing now at Gallery West from Fritz's Hawaiian studio are several reflective fish and animal mobiles that presently dance in the afternoon Borrego winds outside the Gallery West apart of an outstanding showing of Fritz's paintings at the gallery. The show takes us on a journey into Hawaiian and Native American mythology, cultural symbolism, fand history.

Kachina 2 is Fritz homage to the Native American culture Fritz's embracing of Native American folklore, the Native American preservation of nature and the environment. Fritz's works are joyful and inspirational.

Fritz, Wick and Robin, long time friends, are three diverse, enthusiastic, incredible talented artist's. Their show at The West Gallery runs through the end of December. Stop by and enjoy an artistic feast for the eyes.

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