From the COVID Task Force...


Last updated 11/19/2021 at 2:44pm

We can enjoy this Thanksgiving with few restrictions and fewer worries than last year. We have a lot to be thankful for.

But we are not out of the woods with COVID. In the last month, Borrego has had eight new cases, for which the delta variant was probably responsible. Four cases are assumed to be active now in our community. Visit this link to view cases:

(CDC recommends isolation either for (1) 10 days after symptom onset and resolution of fever for at least 24 hours, or (2) for asymptomatic people, 10 days after the date of a positive RT-PCR test for SARS-CoV-2 RNA. The County does not report symptom status, resolution of fever, etc. The County generally posts positive cases the day after receiving notification of cases that tested positive. SO, TO BE CONSERVATIVE, THE BORREGO SPRINGS COVID-19 TASK FORCE ASSUMES A 14 DAY ACTIVE PERIOD FROM THE DATE OF POSTING)

Also, flu is circulating much more in the County than it was last season. Last week four times as many cases of flu were reported compared to the same week last year.

So, infectious viruses are still circulating. Wearing masks and physical distancing are useful preventive measures. Wearing masks is voluntary now (except for unvaccinated people within public facilities or for all at mega events). But masks are fairly effective in protecting yourself and others from both Covid and the flu.

So, we hope everyone enjoys Thanksgiving with family and friends. Please just be a bit careful, especially when indoors in public facilities or crowded situations. Getting tested before visiting is another good way to protect susceptible people. Thanks!

– Borrego Springs COVID-19 Task Force

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