Borrego Sun - Since 1949

The House Of Borrego Springs-West Gallery


Last updated 10/13/2021 at 2:32pm

Owner of The House Of Borrego Springs-West Gallery, Elizabeth Rodriguez, is an enormously talented curator. The dialogue of the curator is to observe, interpret and build a bridge between the artist, artwork and public. It is a mutually symbiotic relationship. "Curator," comes form the Lain word "curare," which means to take care of.

Elizabeth Rodriguez is a keen observer. In her relationship with artists, she is acutely curious about their process. Her aesthetic leans toward presenting the core and scope of an artist's artistic vision.

The current show at her newly renovated, 'West Gallery,' is an artistic tour de force featuring three established, powerfully diverse artists – Robin Brailsford, Wick Alexander, Fritz Liebhardt. The show runs through the end of December with Art Talks by Fritz Liebhardt on Saturday Oct. 23, Wick Alexander Saturday Nov. 27th, and Robin Brailsford Saturday Dec. 4. These Art Talks are interestingly informative, opening a window into the artist's process and vision. Well worth attending.

Robin Brailsford Art Jewelry & Glass Constructions

Called a "big thinker," Robin Brailsford is an award winning creator, who can handle the challenges of working on epic, complex park, water, and urban site installations. There are to many to mention here, but one of my favorites is The Grand Canyons Of La Jolla-Park , a 2,500 foot LithoMosaic in collaboration with Walter Munk and Scripps Institute.

Recently, Robin took an artistic traverse back across 40 years to explore her earlier artistic focus. A major in Metalsmithing and Experimental Studios in high school and college Robin wanted to see if she had anything to still say in that genre.

The resulting art to wear collection showing at West Gallery is artistically stunning.

There is absolutely no hesitation creatively. These are bold pieces of art to wear liberated entirely from most preconceived,conventional, definition's of jewelry design.

Robin's choice of material is varied, diverse, sometimes controversial and fascinating including many found objects, pieces of glass, sticks, stones, porcelain debris dug up by gophers on her property, trinkets and many found collected treasures. Robins tongue in cheek sense of humor and 'Bernie' politics theme's are also incorporated into works.

In Robins artist's statement, she says, "my rules are to keep it simple, inspired, uneducated and materially rich."

Visit Elizabeth Rodriguez's West Gallery and experience this fascinating, thought provoking Art Jewelry Collection.

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