Borrego Sun - Since 1949

Borrego Water District


Last updated 8/13/2021 at 1:45pm

Following a Public Hearing on July 27, the Borrego Water District Board approved a Rate Study that ensures water and sewer operations, replacement of aging infrastructure and the beginning of an account for water rights acquisition are funded for the next five years. Following an 18 month process to develop a comprehensive financial model of BWD operational and capital funding needs, BWD and its Advisors, Raftelis Financial Consultants, determined the cost of providing each service and allocated it accordingly in a Rate Study. This process is required by California Law (Proposition 218 in 1996).

The Rate Study concluded a decrease in 3/4” monthly meter fees and Tier One (3/4” using seven units or less) water rates is warranted in the first year while rates for Tier Two and Tier Three customers will increase by 5 to 10% in year one. All Tiers will then increase by 5% for the following four years. Sewer rates and service charges will not be increased in year one and will increase by 4% in each of the following four years. With approval of the Rates and Service charges, BWD can assure customers they are paying their “fair share” of BWD expenses. Critical BWD operations, continued replacement of overdue waterlines/reservoirs and wastewater collection & treatment plant infrastructure will continue. In addition, funding of water right allocation will begin.

One of BWDs primary functions is to provide water that meets all State and Federal Standards for water quality. To implement state and national policies, the State Water Resources Control Board Division of Drinking Water (DDW) oversees and approves the issuance of Consumer Confidence Reports (Report) in California. Throughout the year BWD takes water samples and sends them to an approved lab for testing. All the test results are submitted to the DDW and the Consumer Confidence Report for that year is generated. The recently released Report provides information to BWD customers regarding test results available through December 31, 2020, and confirms the water provided in 2020 met all water quality regulations. The maximum contaminant levels and frequency of sampling are all determined by the State Water Board.

Copies of the Report are available online at and at the Office.

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