BWD Public Hearing Planned
Last updated 7/6/2021 at 9:10am
In conformance with Proposition 218 requirements , the Borrego Water District (the “District”) will conduct a public hearing on July 27, at 5:30 p.m., or as soon thereafter as practicable, on a proposed rate adjustment and increase for its water and wastewater service charges for the next five fiscal years. The District’s operational costs continue to increase and the reinvestment of funds into its infrastructure is estimated to be substantial. This situation is not unique to the District, as many agencies throughout the state are faced with issues involving water availability, conservation, the need for capital reinvestment to continue providing reliable water services, adhering to new regulations and mandates, and meeting service demands with limited water supplies and groundwater overdraft. Without a rate increase, the District will not have sufficient revenue to maintain reserve targets, and fund planned capital improvement projects. Without a rate increase, the District’s water utility’s net operating cash flow is projected to be negative in Fiscal Year 2025, and reserves will fall $3.4 million short of reserve targets in Fiscal Year 2025. Additionally, debt coverage is projected to fail minimum requirements beginning in Fiscal year 2024.
The purpose of the Public Hearing is to provide a forum to hear comments on the proposed rate adjustments, including protests, if any. Property owners within the District service area who wish to submit a protest, must: (1) state that the identified property owner or tenant is opposed to the proposed water or wastewater rate increases; (2) identify whether the protest is submitted with respect to the water rates, the wastewater rates, or both; (3) provide the location of the identified parcel (by street address, assessor’s parcel number, or customer account number); and (4) include the name and signature of the property owner or tenant submitting the protest.
Written protests may be submitted in one of the following manners: (1) mail to 806 Palm Canyon Drive, ATTN: Board Secretary, Borrego Springs, CA 92004; (e) in person, addressed to the Board Secretary at 806 Palm Canyon Drive, Borrego Springs, CA 92004; (2) by depositing the written protest in the drop box located adjacent to the front door at 806 Palm Canyon Drive, Borrego Springs, CA 92004], or (3) by e-mail, delivered to, provided any e-mail submission of a written protest must include a digital image (such as a picture taken with a phone) or scanned copy of the signed protest. Protests submitted by mail or in person must be received by the Board Secretary prior to 3:30 p.m., July 16. Protest submitted to the drop box or by e-mail must be received prior to the close of the public comment portion of the Public Hearing. Please indicate on the outside of any envelope mailed to the District Attn: Rate Hearing.
Notices to each Property Owner and tenant within the District were sent on June 10. A copy of the Notice is also on the website.
Monthly water related charges and rates for the vast majority of District Residential Customers will reduce next year. Water rates for the other customers are approximately 5%. Increases of 5% per year for the following four years are proposed. For those District sewer customers, no rate increase is proposed for year One and 4% in years Two thru Five. The District is reaching out to Christmas Circle and other District customers to explain the proposed rates and the impacts.