Borrego Sun - Since 1949

Senior Center Board Director Joan Gustavsen Retires


Last updated 5/21/2021 at 10:14am

After 25-plus years as a volunteer Board Director and homebound meal delivery driver, Joan Gustavsen attended the April 14 Senior Center Board meeting and tendered her formal resignation. Joan and her husband Peter have sold their Borrego home and will be spending more time at their home in Boise, Idaho.

Joan started driving meals in the mid-nineties and was tapped by Senior Center founder Beverly Kuhrts to join the Board of Directors in the late nineties.

Joan reminisced about how in her early years as a board member they would take donated Seley Red grapefruit and juice it at the Senior Center. Then they would hawk it at Christmas Circle to raise funds.

Joan said, "I want to thank everyone involved for my wonderful, fun years on the Senior Center Board, especially Beverly for taking me from a driver to become a Board Member.

Being on the Board made me feel a part of the Borrego Springs community, which we love. Beverly had such wonderful dreams for the Senior Center and she is beaming today of her choices to lead her crusade."

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