Borrego Sun - Since 1949

By Dr. Sarah Rogers

BVEF: Now & Future


Last updated 12/31/2020 at 12:23am

Quality healthcare, jobs, good food, clean air and water may not feel like guarantees for everyone in the Borrego Valley these days.

However, by harnessing the our community better, the Borrego Valley Endowment Fund (BVEF) is bringing organizations and individuals together to address long term and emergent needs with donor funding.

The BVEF supports a wide range of groups that provide direct sup-port to our community, such as the Ministers Association, the Civic Foundation, the Borrego Springs Educational Foundation, BASIC, the Performing Arts Center, the Youth & Senior Center, the Borrego Art Institute, Soroptimist, and the Tubb Canyon Desert Conservancy.

This year, with funding from the BVEF, the Senior Center initiated a pilot transportation program called “Let’s Go Borrego!” This program is for seniors who depend on others to drive them to medical appointments, including doctor visits, optical, dental, and physical therapy. “Let’s Go Borrego!” allows seniors to reimburse their drivers $0.50 per mile driven.

In The Mall, the BVEF is donating the former Library space for a Resource Center – an evolving program providing weekly food boxes for families and individuals. Volunteer legal counseling and aid program application assistance have just been added as additional services – and services continue to expand.

The BVEF contracts with Mercy Air and REACH (part of the AirMedCare Network) to provide emergency medical air transportation coverage to year-round, seasonal, and weekend residents of Borrego Springs. This crucial pro-gram covers the deductible and co-insurance that can cost $3,000 or more per flight. Additionally, the BVEF supports programs to ensure Air and Water Quality in Borrego Springs well as Invasive Species control.

For young and old alike, Borrego Springs is a special place with varied needs. The BVEF Board of Directors and CEO are embarking on a new Strategic Plan for 2021 to address current and future needs of the Borrego Valley. Please consider being a sponsor to BVEF with an end-of-year gift and visit our website,

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