Borrego Sun - Since 1949

Stay Cool, Hydrated


Last updated 9/8/2020 at 11:17am

To help residents escape the swelter, the county is offering nine air-conditioned cooling centers in Borrego Springs, Fallbrook, Lakeside, Ramona, Santa Ysabel, Spring Valley and Valley Center.

During this hot weather, seniors can stay home and stay cool! Even with some Cool Zone sites opening up at the end of May, not all seniors or persons with disabilities can leave home to escape the heat. Homebound individuals, those lacking transportation, and those who decide to stay home due to the risk of COVID-19, may not be able to take advantage of traditional Cool Zone sites.

To help these community members beat the heat, the County of San Diego, in partnership with SDG&E, provides free electric fans to those who are living on limited incomes. To be eligible, a resident must not have access to an air conditioned space at their home or apartment building. To learn more about the fan program or to request a fan, call Aging & Independence Services at (800) 339-4661.

Borrego Springs Branch: Monday to Friday, Noon to 5 p.m.

Phone #: 760-767-5761

Tips to beat the heat:

- Slow down. Be your most physically active during the coolest part of the day, usually between 4-7 a.m. Pace yourself when engaging in physical activity.

- Stay indoors as much as possible. If air conditioning is not being used, stay on the lowest floor. Keep shades down and blinds closed, but windows slightly open.

- Electric fans do not cool the air, but they do help sweat evaporate, which cools your body.

- Take a cool shower, bath or sponge bath.

- Avoid using the oven.

- Wear lightweight, loose-fitting, light-colored clothing. Light colors will reflect away some of the sun's heat.

- Air out hot cars before getting into them.

- Never leave children or pets inside vehicles at any time, even with the windows cracked. Temperatures inside a vehicle can reach lethal levels no matter what the weather is like.

- Drink more fluids than usual even if you do not feel thirsty.

- Water is the safest liquid to drink during heat emergencies. Avoid drinks with alcohol or caffeine; they make the heat's effects on your body worse.

- Eat small meals and eat more often. Avoid foods that are high in protein, which increases metabolic heat.

- Avoid using salt tablets unless directed to do so by a physician.

- If you take diuretics, ask your physician about a lower dosage during hot weather.

- If it is safe to do so, leave windows open at night. Open windows on two sides to create cross ventilation.

- Place a piece of cardboard covered with aluminum foil in sunny windows to reflect sunlight and heat away from the house.

- Vacuum, clean or replace air filters regularly for maximum cooling efficiency.

- If affordable, install outdoor awnings or sunscreens.

- Call your physician if you feel you may be experiencing a heat-related illness.


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