Borrego Sun - Since 1949

Climate Credit Helps Offset Summer Bills


Last updated 8/12/2020 at 11:36am

In August and September, San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E) residential customers will see their electricity bills reduced each month by $32.28 – or a total of about $64 – thanks to the California Climate Credit program designed to fight climate change.

The credit is from a state program that requires power plants, natural gas providers, and other large industries that emit greenhouse gases to buy carbon pollution permits. The credit on customers’ bills is their share of the payments from the state’s program.

“This bill credit provides some financial relief at a critical time when many people need it due to the COVID-19 economic crisis and summer weather driving up energy use,” said Scott Crider, SDG&E’s vice president of customer services.

Originally, the credit was scheduled to appear on customer bills in April and October. To help reduce bill spikes in the summer, when energy usage typically goes up along with the temperature, SDG&E successfully petitioned the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) to change the timing of the credit to August and September – the months when air conditioning use typically peaks.

There is no action required to receive the credit. All residential customers, including community choice aggregation customers, will automatically receive this credit from SDG&E on their August and September billing cycles.

Residential customers with natural gas service received the natural gas portion of the California Climate Credit – $21.11 – in April. Next year, the electric and gas credit will follow the same schedule as this year.

Additional Measures Adopted to Ease Summer Bills

SDG&E also recently lowered summer pricing by eliminating the seasonal pricing differential for customers on both Time-of-Use pricing plans and standard tiered pricing plans. In addition, the state-mandated High Usage Charge (HUC), which applies to those on standard tiered pricing plans, has been reduced by 30% this summer.

Anyone having trouble paying their utility bill due to COVID-19 is encouraged to contact SDG&E at 1-800-411-7343 for assistance with flexible payment options to fit their needs. Learn more about payment assistance and discount programs at

SDG&E is an innovative San Diego-based energy company that provides clean, safe and reliable energy to better the lives of the people it serves in San Diego and southern Orange counties. The company is committed to creating a sustainable future by providing its electricity from renewable sources; modernizing natural gas pipelines; accelerating the adoption of electric vehicles; supporting numerous non-profit partners; and, investing in innovative technologies to ensure the reliable operation of the region’s infrastructure for generations to come.

Rendered 02/28/2025 22:37