Borrego Sun - Since 1949

"Open Our Schools"


Last updated 8/11/2020 at 9:31am

Over the last month, I’ve had conversations with doctors, data experts and researchers about COVID-19 and one of the most consistent messages has been, we need our young people back in the classroom.

While there are still many questions regarding COVID-19, we have learned that young people rarely suffer from the virus. In the State of California, nobody under the age of 17 has died from COVID and the rare child who tests positive, is usually asymptomatic.

While children are proven to not be vulnerable to the virus, some worry that the kids could spread the virus to the teachers, parents and grandparents. Throughout the world, studies have been done showing that the chances of kids passing the virus is infrequent. In Iceland, where a major study was done, the results showed that not one child passed the virus to their parents.

It is dangerous not to have schools open. The cost to our society of kids not going to school, will be detrimental for years to come. School is much more than just education. Teachers are usually the first to notice and report kids in need. From abuse, gang clothing, to changes in attitude, schools are the number one reporter of child abuse. They can also be a main source of food and nutrition for some youth. We are denying our children mental, social, and physical outlets by closing our schools during the most critical time in terms of growth and development, in their lives. Many parents, especially those that work during the day, struggle to coach and support virtual school instruction to the detriment of our kids.

The closures of our schools will have damaging effects on the future and we must provide the option for in-person education and instruction.

Jim Desmond

– San Diego County District 5 Supervisor