Borrego Sun - Since 1949

August at the Chamber


Last updated 8/10/2020 at 9:58am

August hiatus at the Chamber is here, which only means we are closed to visitors, and the volunteers have a month off. What it also means is that staff will be in and out working on the following things:

Embrace Borrego Guide – With an October 2020 release (or sooner if possible), the visitors guide is getting a fresh new look with a lot of new content. The goal is for less filler stories and more about what Borrego businesses/services and the outdoors has to offer. Embrace Borrego will be distributed throughout the community, outer lying Chambers and CVB’s, and available on the Chamber website for the world to see. Remember the guide will feature only Chamber members who opt in, maybe this is the nudge you need to join?

Sundowner – A refresh is happening to the Sundowner so it also fits the needs of our local businesses. The same fun time and good food will be had; however, it will be more accommodating to the host locations concerning the dates. Plus new raffle prizes, more structure in the admission process, locations and more. You’ll just have to wait and see!

Farmers Market – As Farmers Markets are considered essential, we are looking into the logistics of an earlier reopening. Your favorite vendors are eager to get back to Borrego and we are eager to have them. Rest assured we will implement the required Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Federal and County guidelines.

Membership Levels – The Chamber membership levels and pricing has not changed in years. In these trying times, our mission of support to the community and its commerce has not waivered, however, it was time to update and restructure the levels. The memberships are annual and begin when you sign up. So beginning with September renewals, members will see new level names, less confusing levels, easy to read level benefits, and yes a very slight increase in fees for a few of the levels. We have listened to your needs, and will be offering more ways to promote your business or organization via the website and Chamber Weekly, some you can do right from home so your businesses can promote its latest specials and be proactive instead of reactive.

Above are just a few of the items on our agenda. I’ve also created a list of possible events for members and the community when it is safe for all involved. There is one that we can all do from our home or business, so perhaps you might want to start looking at your Christmas decorations, that’s all I’m saying for now!

Stay healthy, follow recommended guidelines and be respectful to those around you. Feel free to leave a message at the Chamber during August and either Debbie or I will get back to you. I’ll be out and about town with my mask on and a smile underneath it so I hope we pass by each other and say hello!

– Borrego Springs Chamber of Commerce



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