Borrego Sun - Since 1949

ABF Vision 20/20 Update


Last updated 7/30/2020 at 9:14am

Photo by Sicco Rood | Haiku entitled: "Montezuma Grade" by Dick Troy

The Anza-Borrego Foundation (ABF), official partner of Anza-Borrego Desert State Park, continues its efforts with the "Vision 20/20 Match Challenge." These proceeds go toward ensuring the assistance to the Park and to protect it, as well as the surrounding area.

After the first four weeks, together with the initial $75,000 contribution from their major donors and trustees, their interim fundraising tally has now reached a combined $125,624 (83.7% of $150,000). They are only $24,376 shy of the Vision 20/20 fundraising goal of $150,000.

Help with the final push and reaching the ultimate goal to compensate for a major budgetary shortfall with the temporary closure of both ABF State Park stores and delay of our spring appeal. There are two more weeks left to contribute to their Vision 20/20 fundraiser that has been extended till July 31. Help double major donors' and trustees' initial pledge of $75,000.

In other news, ABF is also kicking off their Desert Haiku Poetry Contest with the first of two wonderful desert haikus written by Anza-Borrego Foundation Board President Dick Troy, entitled "Montezuma Grade" and will share number two next week.

What is a Haiku? It is a many centuries old tradition of writing poetry, originating in Japan. Haiku is a form of poetry that only uses three lines. A popular format is to have the first line contain five (5) syllables, the second line seven (7) syllables, and the third line five (5) syllables (see example below) but a strict syllable count is not required.

Haiku doesn't rhyme. A Haiku must "paint" a mental image in the reader's mind. This is the challenge of Haiku – to put the poem's meaning and imagery in the reader's mind normally with only 17 syllables over just three lines of poetry.

The contest is open to adults and kids of all ages. Participation of the youngest members and desert dwellers is especially encouraged.

Prizes will be available for adults (16 years and up) and for the younger kids and teens (15 years and younger). All children will receive a printed award certificate for participating!

Please submit your desert haiku electronically to and put "Desert Haiku Contest" in subject header. Up to three entries are allowed for each participant. Please include the age of any children participating. For more information, please email or call ABF Development Director Ursula Esser at 760-748-2163.

Spanish and English submissions are encouraged. The deadline to submit has been extended until July 31.