Dick Troy 

Borrego Valley Stewardship Council Convenes Virtual Forum


Last updated 6/17/2020 at 1:04pm

On May 15, the Borrego Valley Stewardship Council (BVSC) convened its first virtual plenary meeting/forum with 35 signatories and guests attending. Using Zoom software and focusing on the community’s COVID-19 response, five speakers made concise presentations and later answered questions from the assembled group.

Kathy Dice, a member of the BVSC leadership team, opened the meeting.

She explained that the Council’s primary objective is to create an inclusive, community-wide forum for consensus building around major issues confronting our community, and that this particular meeting would be focused on sharing information, questions, and resources pertaining to COVID-19’s impact on our community.

Concise reports on the following topics were presented:

Health Update: Bruce Kelley, Chair, Borrego Springs COVID Task Force

State Park Update: Terry Gerson, State Parks District Office

Restaurant Update: David Leibert, Borrego Springs COVID Task force

Business Update: Jim Wermers, The Mall

Community Relief Efforts Update: Martha Deichler, Borrego Ministers Association

A 20-minute question and answer session followed with all attendees being given time to contribute. Those in attendance expressed gratitude for the BVSC forum and felt they received valuable and timely information on a topic that is on everyone’s mind.

Dice closed the one-hour meeting, leaving it open for a subsequent BVSC forum on COVID-19 to be scheduled in the future.

She reminded attendees that if they are aware of businesses, community groups and/or institutions who might be interested in joining the council, that they contact Martha Deichler (mdeichler@bsusd.net) for information on current membership and steps to join the Council.