Supervisors Unanimously Approve Framework


Last updated 5/8/2020 at 10:10am

The Board of Supervisors unanimously approved the guidelines to begin reopening the local economy.

The framework was outlined by Mayor Kevin Faulconer and Supervisor Greg Cox, and includes five criteria for businesses to follow as they reopen.

Employee Health:

- Requires Personal Protection Equipment for employees and commit to voluntary compliance with public health officials on contact tracing and testing.

Safe Worksite Entry:

Establish controlled entrance and exit practices to avoid queuing issues and work with the Public Health Department to create processes for employee symptom checks.

Workplace Distancing and Conditions:

-Evaluate occupancy and capacity to ensure proper physical distancing and keep shifts consistent with the same employees in each rotation or shift.

Employee Training and Compliance:

-Ensure signage on safety requirements, such as hand washing, physical distancing and reporting procedures for employees who become ill.

Enhanced Cleaning and Sanitation:

-Develop a sanitation plan that includes frequent cleaning of restrooms, workstations, and public spaces.

This framework is a “starting point,” as businesses continue to prepare for the coming weeks or months of change/modifications of reopening. It is likely these outlined criteria could be changed with more additions.