Borrego Sun - Since 1949

Order of the Health Officer, Emergency Regulations

Effective May 8, 2020


Last updated 5/8/2020 at 9:58am

San Diego County and California public health officials have issued orders to prevent the spread of the COVID-19. The following is the latest county order in effect, as of May 8.

1. All persons are to remain in their homes or at their place of residence, except for employees or customers travelling to and from essential businesses, reopened businesses, or essential activities as defined in section 20, below, or to participate in individual or family outdoor activity as allowed by this Order.

2. All public or private "gatherings," as defined in section 20 below, are prohibited.

3. All businesses not meeting the definition ofessential business or reopened business in section 20 below are referred to in this Order as "non-essential businesses" and shall be and remain closed for the duration of this Order. All essential businesses and reopened businesses must comply with the requirements of this Order. Notwithstanding the foregoing, a non-essential business may remain open if its employees and owners can provide its services from home, including by telecommuting, without direct contact with the public.

4. All public or private schools, colleges, and universities shall not hold classes or other school activities where students gather on the school campus. Parents of minor children shall take steps to ensure said children are not participating in activities prohibited by this Order.

5. Child daycare and child care providers shall operate under the following conditions: i) child

care should be carried out in stable groups of 12 or fewer ("stable" means that the same 12 or fewer children are in the same group each day); ii) children should not change from one group to another; iii) ifmore than one group ofchildren is cared for at one facility, each group should be in a separate area; iv) groups should not mix with each other; and v) childcare providers should remain solely with one group of children, to the extent possible. Employees of such businesses, and the children being cared for, are not required to wear face coverings as described in section 9 while present at the daycare of child care facility. Child daycare and childcare providers shall establish health check and temperature screening requirements to ensure children and employees with a temperature of 100 degrees or above do not enter the facility. Restroom and other surfaces children regularly contact shall be sanitized with a disinfectant effective against coronavirus on a regular schedule and between groups occupying a particular area.

6. "Non-essential personnel," as defined in section 20 below, are prohibited from entry into any hospital or long-term care facility. All essential personnel who are COVID-19 positive or show any potential signs or symptoms of COVID-19 are strictly prohibited from entry into hospitals or long-term care facilities. Notwithstanding the foregoing, individuals requiring medical care for COVID-19 or related conditions may be admitted to hospitals or other medical facilities if the hospital or medical facility is appropriate for treating COVID-19 and has adequate precautions in place to protect its patients, medical personnel and staff.

7. Hospitals and healthcare providers shall take measures to preserve and prioritize resources. Hospitals and healthcare providers may authorize and perform non-emergent or elective surgeries or procedures based on their determination of clinical need and supply capacity, and where consistent with State guidance.

8. Hospitals, healthcare providers, and commercial testing laboratories shall report all COVID- 19 test results to the Public Health Officer immediately after such results are received.

9. All persons two year old or older who are present in the county shall have possession o f a face covering described in California Department o f Public Health Face Covering Guidance issued on April 1, 2020, (available at: Coverings-Guidance.aspx ), when they leave their home or place of residence, shall wear the face covering whenever they are in a business or within six feet of another person who is not a member of their family or household. Persons with a medical or mental health condition, or developmental disability that prevents wearing a face covering shall be exempt from this requirement.

10. All essential businesses that allow members o f the public to enter a facility must prepare and post a "Social Distancing and Sanitation Protocol" on the form available at: https://www .sandiegocounty .gov/content/dam/sdc/hhsa/programs/phs/Epidemiology/covid19/SOCIAL DISTANCING AND SANITATION PROTOCOL 04022020 Vl.pdf ), or on a form required by another governmental entity requiring substantially similar information, for each oftheir facilities open to the public in the county. The Social Distancing and Sanitation Protocol must be posted at or near the entrance of the relevant facility, and shall be easily viewable by the public and employees. A copy ofthe Social Distancing and Sanitation Protocol must also be provided to each employee performing work at the facility. All essential businesses shall implement the Social Distancing and Sanitation Protocol and provide evidence of its implementation to any authority enforcing this Order upon demand. The Social Distancing and Sanitation Protocol must ensure all required measures are implemented and must identify and require measures necessary to implement social distancing are implemented at each facility that will ensure social distancing and sanitation at that particular facility. If the measures identified and implemented are not effective in maintaining proper social distancing and sanitation, the business shall promptly modify its Social Distancing and Sanitation Protocols to ensure proper social distancing and sanitation. Any business that fails to successfully implement social distancing and sanitation may be required to close.

11. All reopened businesses must prepare and post a "Safe Reopening Plan" on the form available


19/Community Sector Support/BusinessesandEmployers/SafeReopeningPlanTemplate.pdf

for each of their facilities in the county. The Safe Reopening Plan must be posted at or near the entrance ofthe relevant facility, and shall be easily viewable by the public and employees. A copy ofthe Safe Reopening Plan must also be provided to each employee performing work atthefacility. AllreopenedbusinessesshallimplementtheSafeReopeningPlanandprovide evidence of its implementation to any authority enforcing this Order upon demand. The Safe Reopening Plan must ensure all required measures are implemented. I f the measures identified and implemented are not effective in maintaining proper social distancing and sanitation, the business shall promptly modify its Safe Reopening Plan to ensure proper social distancing and sanitation. Any business that fails to comply with its Safe Reopening Plan may be required to close.

12. Effective 12:00 a.m. on May 8, 2020, each essential business and reopened business shall:

a. Require all employees to wear face coverings as described in section 9 above; and,

b. Shall conduct temperature screening of all employees prohibiting employees with a temperature of 100 degrees or more from entering the workplace. Symptom screening (prohibiting employees from entering if they have a cough, shortness of breath or trouble breathing or at least two of the following: fever, chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat or new loss of taste or smell) may be used

only when a thermometer is not available.

13. For Parks Only - Each public park and recreation area, shall operate in compliance with the Protocol found at /parks-beaches-social-distancing-protocol.pdf created and implemented by the operator of the park. The public shall not congregate or participate in active sport activities at a park with the exception of members of a single family or household if authorized pursuant to the Protocol applicable to the park. Any park at which the Protocol requirements cannot be effectively implemented shall close. Recreational boating shall be allowed provided all occupants of a boat are from the same household.

14. For Beaches Only - All parking lots at public beaches shall be closed. Beaches shall be used solely for walking, running, hiking, equestrian or bicycle riding (where allowed). The public shall not congregate or participate in active sport activities at said facilities. Swimming, body surfing, boogie boarding, surfing, kite surfing, paddle boarding, kayaking, snorkeling and scuba diving from the shore may be allowed in the ocean and bays connected thereto. Beaches where social distancing requirements cannot be effectively implemented shall close. All other restrictions applicable to beaches pursuant to other sections of this Order shall remain in effect.

15. To enhance recreational opportunities in the county, private and public golf courses may be open for limited use provided the owner or operator of the golf course has completed and fully implements a Golf Course Physical Distancing & Safety Plan for San Diego County and submitted a copy of the completed form to the Public Health Officer at least two days prior to opening. Golf courses shall conduct temperature screening of all employees and customers and anyone with a temperature of 100 degrees or higher shall not be permitted to enter the facility.

16. All essential businesses and reopened businesses that remain in operation in accordance with the Order shall make every effort to use telecommuting for their workforces.

Full order here:

Rendered 01/21/2025 12:02