Borrego Sun - Since 1949

Chamber Talks Opening


Last updated 5/13/2020 at 10:37am

Today’s news is old news with the way things are changing, so if some of my references are now happening, my apologies. Before I mention Chamber news, I think it is time to start accepting the fact that businesses will begin to reopen.

I use the term accepting because there are residents in every area that feel businesses should stay closed until the virus has passed. This is not feasible and will cause more devastation than imaginable. No matter the size of the community, local businesses are what keep a community going. There will be guidelines that everyone must adhere to, and rightly so for the safety of all, but it will ultimately come down to choices. You’ll have to stay home where you feel safe and secure, or venture out and continue with life. Whichever option you choose, please respect the rights of those taking a different direction including all business owners that are able to reopen and employees going back to work.

The Chamber is still buzzing with landscaping activity; I can’t wait for the final results. I love the American Flag, and it makes me proud to see it flying at the Chamber. The Chamber member’s only email list is complete, and members have already received their first eblast regarding the Embrace Borrego Guide. I’m happy to say we had responses within an hour after it was sent. If you want to be on the member’s only list, join the Chamber.

Within the last week, I’ve also had two calls in regards to opening a small business in Borrego. I explained that we are a no big box or chain store community which is exactly what they are looking for. It’s all about the small business they’ve always dreamed of opening, with that said one person asked me “would we be welcome there?” I have to say I was alarmed that anyone would feel the need to ask that, my reply was “we’d love to have you.”

We’ve also had some new volunteers sign up to help when we reopen and some for the new season. We can never have enough volunteers so give the Chamber a call or send an email and we are happy to explain how easy it is to volunteer. A few hours a week is all it takes.

At this point, my gauge to re-open the Chamber to foot traffic (with safety protocols in place) is when the State Park and Christmas Circle reopens. All of this will probably be confusing at first, same as when everything was closing down, but we’ll keep you informed via the website, Facebook page, eblasts and of course, returning your phone calls and emails.

We have so many new and tried & true events to hopefully start planning soon, who knows what the “gathering in place” numbers will be as the amount of numbers will grow as time goes on. Until then, thank you for all of your kind words as we chat on the phone and some when I’ve met you while wandering around town. Drink plenty of water in the heat, use good common sense, check on your neighbors, and stay positive, somehow we’ll make it through this!

Françoise Rhodes

– Borrego Springs Chamber of Commerce Executive Director


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