Borrego Sun - Since 1949

Borrego Task Force


Last updated 4/10/2020 at 10:28am

A COVID-19 Task Force in Borrego Springs has been formed, with the goal of setting up a reliable information collection and distribution channel to provide Borrego Springs residents with information (in English and Spanish) from credible sources, so they can protect themselves and other residents from Coronavirus infection.

The Task Force first met on March 17, and it is now going full speed ahead.

Task Force members were chosen for their backgrounds in preventative medicine (Bruce Kelley, Chair), healthcare (Caroline Manildi), business (David Leibert), and leadership roles in community organizations (Martha Deichler, Betsy Knaak, Ernie Loza and Diane Johnson).

“We are asking several local organizations, which have large memberships, to periodically forward (via email, social media, etc.) our emails to their members – authoritative, vetted information that will be provided by the Task Force,” Bruce Kelley told the Sun.

“Some of the information will be full text – useful to help members protect themselves. In addition, a new website will offer links to more extensive and very current information, and we ask that you include in your communications to your members promotion of this website.”

The website, went live on March 25, and should be fully functional by March 31. The Task Force website operation is being funded by the Borrego Valley Endowment Fund with a $30,000 grant.

This website features many links to extensive information about COVID-19, as well as many questions specific to Borrego Springs, like where to get tested. This website has been specifically developed for Borrego Springs.

These are also different categories of information:

Public Health Restrictions and Guidance, including a listing of reported COVID-19 cases by city and unincorporated towns. Borrego has 0 cases reported thus far so is not listed;

FAQ’s presenting the basics of COVID-19 such as what to do if you’re sick. There is also English to Spanish translation available for the San Diego County info link;

Borrego Medical Resources for what you need to know;

Borrego Businesses and Essential Services provides info on open and closed business ;

Posters and Fact Sheets for public use and reproduction;

Further Reading on the best articles about COVID-19 and links to useful websites;

Also on the website is the Borrego Springs Coronavirus Resource Center, launched March 30 by the Task Force. The Resource Center provides residents of Borrego with information on the Coronavirus (in English and Spanish) from credible national and local sources to help as best as they can.

Task Force members will continue accumulating information from more than 40 (mostly local) agencies and organizations. The Task Force will also be updating the site frequently, especially with information specific to Borrego Springs.

More funding will be needed, so BVEF has volunteered to be the recipient and manager of such donations.

BVEF is a private, non-profit 501(c)(3) organization operating in the Borrego Valley in Southeastern California, begun in 1996.

The mission of the Borrego Valley Endowment Fund is to harness the power of philanthropy to create enduring community-wide benefit for the Borrego region. Although still focused on health care initiatives, the BVEF has broadened its efforts to facilitate philanthropy in eight additional focus areas that are of critical importance to the community.

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