Borrego Sun - Since 1949

Mercy Air Discountinues AirEvac Program


Last updated 1/23/2020 at 12:08pm

Mercy Air has discontinued its individual and municipal membership programs.

Mercy Air retrospectively informed the Borrego Valley Endowment Fund (BVEF) that its municipal membership policy would not be renewed during 2019. That policy protected residents from the deductible and co-payments they were otherwise responsible for after their medical plan made its payment to Mercy Air.

Mercy Air informed BVEF of its new “No Membership Required” program. Mercy Air also informed BVEF that it expects to accept as payment in full what most insurers pay plus the deductible and/or co-payment the policy holder’s medical insurance plan requires them to pay for air medical evacuation services. Last, Mercy Air informed BVEF that it has expanded its Patient Advocacy program and will work with people when that presents a financial hardship. If you have questions about what you might be charged as an insured or as an uninsured person, contact Mercy Air at 619.306.1131.

The BVEF has renewed its municipal membership program with REACH for calendar year 2020. Residents of Borrego Springs picked up by REACH within San Diego County will continue to be relieved of responsibility for deductible and copayments for air transportation (only) by REACH helicopters if they have health insurance coverage for air medical services.

If you are an uninsured resident or if you want similar coverage in other areas served by affiliates of REACH (Air MedCare Network), you can purchase a supplemental household policy (per household per year fee of $35 if head of household is age 60+ or $45 if head of household is under age 60) under BVEF’s program with REACH.

Neither the patient nor the EMT personnel can determine whether a Mercy Air or a REACH helicopter will pick them up.

The San Diego County Medical Director will make the decision about which helicopter to dispatch based upon the shortest flight time by an appropriately equipped & staffed helicopter to an appropriate hospital. Be aware that if you or a family member are picked up by Mercy Air, deductible and/or copayments may apply.

Residents include year-round and seasonal residents who reside at an address within zip code 92004 during the year.

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