Desmond Returns To Borrego
Last updated 1/23/2020 at 12:40pm
He’s coming in December. No, not the man in the red suit who determines who’s been naughty or nice – he comes later in the month – but rather San Diego County District 5 Supervisor Jim Desmond in a suit and tie, and his contingent of staffers and County officials, all here to listen and assess progress on his Borrego Springs Revitalization Committee.
So mark your calendars for Wednesday Dec. 4 at 10 a.m. in Library Community Room. There, Desmond and his staffers will be soaking up the results of four subcommittees that have been working several months on identifying issues and proposing solutions regarding Borrego’s Infrastructure, Public Health, Economic Development, and Environment.
Do you want to know about capital improvement plans, such as SDG&E power resources and other topics? Chair Elaine Tulving from the Infrastructure Subcommittee will speak to those;
How’s that new medical clinic coming along? Or options for health insurance? Or word on the new Senior Center? These topics are right in the wheelhouse of Public Health Committee Chair Bruce Kelly, and we’re confident he will wax eloquent on important developments;
What are we going to do about those invasive weed species gobbling up our wildflower blooms? How’s our air quality, and who is or could be monitoring what? And what code enforcement issues are perhaps in need of a wee bit more scrutiny? David Garmon, Chair for the Environmental Subcommittee, will have a fascinating range of topics to bring up;
You say you’d like to see improvements at our airport? Or get the lowdown on what’s being explored on other topics of economic development? How about a primer on options for educational resources and how they could be supported? Those would be in the purview of Betsy Knaak, Chair for the Economic Development Subcommittee. She will have her sleeves rolled up and ready to identify possible areas of exploration and to present progress thus far.
Presentations from all four sub-committees (with input from several sub-sub committees) are based on the various matrices developed by each to identify and track issues and progress important to the community of Borrego Springs.
Says Jim Desmond of the forthcoming trip to Borrego, “We are excited to come back and see the progress that’s been made in Borrego Springs. It was great to see the enthusiasm at the first meeting, and I expect the second one to be the same.”
But folks can only track progress and show their Borrego enthusiasm if they show up on Dec. 4 at 10 a.m. in the Library. Jim Desmond will be easy to spot – he will not be wearing a red suit.