Borrego Sun - Since 1949

Martha Deichler 

Borrego Days – For Kids and (For the Most Part) By Kids


Last updated 1/23/2020 at 10:11am

During Borrego Days, did you catch the achingly adorable Ballet Folklorico Dancers as they swished their colorful skirts and flashed those oh-so-beautiful smiles? Or perhaps you caught the Elementary School’s energetic dance and cheer routines as they set the mood for Sunday’s festivities?

Wherever one looked during our village’s seminal weekend event, it would be difficult not to see the presence of so many of our students and to be exact, clearly 2/3 of our 350 school age children participated in this year’s Borrego Days!

Those 235 students picked up trash, hawked water for donations towards their Catalina Science Trip, assisted with the parade line-up, created the dozens of delightful paper plate flower faces that adorned BSUSD’s float, passed out pizza and drinks to the visiting and hungry band members, sang the Star Spangled Banner to begin the parade, stuffed pirate goodie bags, carried multiple banners in the parade, set up booths and represented our village in the Miss Borrego Scholarship Pageant. Whew!

There were so many of our children in the parade and assisting with the weekend, it’s difficult to imagine how it could have been so successful without them.

The “crowning” moment had to be when 2019 Miss Borrego Second Princess McKinley Parker, was asked to assist with removing trash from the Beer Garden. She didn’t hesitate a moment as she adjusted her sparkling crown and sash, leaned over and hoisted a large bag of garbage onto the cart to be driven away. McKinley represents the best of what makes a Borrego kid: resilient, unabashed and gracious. We love them all and we thank them for their service to our community.

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