BWD Seeks Applicants for New Director
Last updated 7/22/2019 at 12:06am
If you have the qualifications, the interest, and the time to spare, the Borrego Water District is seeking applicants for a replacement for outgoing Director Harry Ehrlich.
Ehrlich resigned June 25, and the BWD has 60 days to select qualified nominees and fill his seat.
A Director’s term normally lasts four years, but this appointment will be subject to renewal by the voters during the 2020 election.
To qualify, you must be a registered voter, must commit to a year-round schedule of monthly Board meetings, and it would be an asset to be well-versed on the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA), plus its physical instrument for planning purposes, the Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP).
In addition to fiscal and infrastructure matters, BWD will be very much involved with implementation of the GSP for the next 20 years.
To request an Application Form, or for more information, contact BWD General Manager Geoff Poole at, or call him directly at (760) 767-5806.
Deadline: The Application Form must be returned to BWD (via mail to 806 Palm Canyon Drive or emailed to Geoff Poole) by 3 p.m. Tuesday July 16.
The selection process, including applicant interviews, will begin after July 16.
Final nomination and selection of the new Director is scheduled for the July 23 Board Meeting (or a special meeting in August, if needed).