Borrego Sun - Since 1949

Supervisor Jim Desmond Hits the Ground Running


Last updated 2/12/2019 at 2:45pm

Photos Courtesy of Melissa Jacobs

Our newly elected 5th District County Supervisor, Jim Desmond, is not letting any grass grow under his feet before moving forward quickly on issues of concern to his District as a whole and Borrego Springs in particular. "I'm excited about my new position as Supervisor," he reports to the Sun. "My first two weeks were packed with briefings from many (county) departments."

Desmond has already established some priorities, including roads, infrastructure, and "a sustainable water plan for Borrego." Regardless of the issue, Desmond retains his formula for success as the previous Mayor of San Marcos via his fiscally conservative positions.

But Desmond also showed a little of his compassionate conservative posture during a separate interview on Jan. 11 with radio station KPBS Midday Edition, where he laid out the details of his priorities. One of his first actions was a vote that helped approve a waiver of county fees to allow "granny flats" on land-owners' lots. He is also very concerned about how to effectively address the issue of homelessness in regards to physical and mental health conditions for those on the street. The current system, Desmond says, provides nothing more than a "revolving door," where people's health problems never really get solved, and they have no family support structure, and nowhere to live other than back on the streets. He says they need to at least have a place to live while receiving proper mental/physical health treatment. Desmond says the County would save money by instituting more efficient housing/treatment options.

Desmond is a bit suspicious of a suggestion to form a joint County-Federal task force, proposed to solve health-related issues in the County when it comes to asylum seekers. He says the feds dump them on the County without the funding to provide needed mental/physical health-related services. Desmond insists, therefore, on a sunset clause for any such task force. He'll be looking at the make-up of such a body, noting that if the attendance is made up of low-level federal reps, without decision-making authority, nothing important will get done or in a timely manner. "They and their agencies have to be committed," he says.

So, Jim Desmond seems not only to have plenty of issues on his plate, but is also working already on practical and fiscally responsible solutions to address them.

Our newly elected 5th District County Supervisor, Jim Desmond, is not letting any grass grow under his feet before moving forward quickly on issues of concern to his District as a whole and Borrego Springs in particular. "I'm excited about my new position as Supervisor," he reports to the Sun. "My first two weeks were packed with briefings from many (county) departments."

Desmond has already established some priorities, including roads, infrastructure, and "a sustainable water plan for Borrego." Regardless of the issue, Desmond retains his formula for success as the previous Mayor of San Marcos via his fiscally conservative positions.

Desmond is a bit suspicious of a suggestion to form a joint County-Federal task force, proposed to solve health-related issues in the County when it comes to asylum seekers. He says the feds dump them on the County without the funding to provide needed mental/physical health-related services. Desmond insists, therefore, on a sunset clause for any such task force. He'll be looking at the make-up of such a body, noting that if the attendance is made up of low-level federal reps, without decision-making authority, nothing important will get done or in a timely manner. "They and their agencies have to be committed," he says

Within that decade-long time span, Desmond also wants to widen certain highways (78 and 67, in fire threat zones) to improve ingress and egress by both the public and emergency response personnel. He also favors installing HOV lanes and an increase in housing/commercial construction along the I-15 corridor. "If we have to develop, that's where the traffic is heaviest, and where there is easy access to the freeway system."

So, Jim Desmond seems not only to have plenty of issues on his plate, but is also working already on practical and fiscally responsible solutions to address them, including our groundwater sustainability plan. "I am looking forward to working together" on that issue.

Full article in the Jan. 24 issue of the Borrego Sun.