An Opening So Grand


Last updated 12/29/2018 at 7:13pm

The number of cool and interesting features in the new Library Complex – library, sheriff's sub-station, park – are so numerous that it would take this entire newspaper to detail them all.

The Grand Opening Saturday Dec. 8, could only summarize the extraordinary efforts, time, and money that residents and County officials responsible for planning and building efforts put into this project.

Being at the ribbon-cutting ceremony was one of Bill Horn's last official duties after serving 24 years as our 5th District Supervisor.

The Borrego Library, as was the case for eight other libraries he sponsored, was a high priority during the last years of his service.

Also offering their remarks on the glories of our new Complex were County Sheriff Bill Gore; Brian Albright, Director of County Parks and Recreation; and Miguell Acosta, Director of the County Library.

Bill and Jenny Wright were on-hand, and as early backers of the Library and donators of all the land in the Complex, Horn and several other speakers thanked them effusively.

One of the surprises in the ceremony was when Betsy Knaak, President of Friends of the Borrego Springs Library, presented County library director Miguell Acosta a check – for $632,000. This came courtesy of donations by residents of Borrego Springs.

Inside the new Library, the results of efficient planning are abundant, with a little niche for most everything.

Examples include: The Book Nook for sales; books and videos organized for easy access; a computer room with 12 stations; an open section for building stuff, like robots, and it comes with a 3D printer that operates like a fancy glue-gun, extruding an extraordinary range of items in fine detail.

Full story in the Dec. 13 issue of the Borrego Sun.

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