Borrego Sun - Since 1949

New Storage Sheds for BAI Complex


Last updated 10/8/2018 at 4:20pm

With interior space at a premium at Kesling's Kitchen and the BAI gallery, and the need to store supplies for the ArtFarm, TuffSheds were installed Thursday Sept. 27, to accommodate various storage needs.

The sheds were assembled and installed on-site by the vendor's workforce.

Two 8x12-ft sheds are for Kesling's Kitchen and Gallery use, an 8x10-ft shed for ArtFarm storage, and a 6x8-ft shed for community plots.

The sheds are as their name implies – TuffSheds, with wood studs (behind foil insulation for some), T-111 composite siding and protective paint, metal bases over wooden ground supports, shingle roofs, and both skylights and vents for the two largest sheds.

The sheds are Tuff Sheds, the structural specification are online. Three have sky lights two have vents and one has neither. They are off the ground, the floor frames sit on wooden beams.

It is my understanding the two next to the Art Institute building will be used by the Institute and the two in garden area will be used by the Art Farm.

If you need more information, Wade's phone is 760-607-9419.

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