Mindfulness Training
Last updated 8/13/2018 at 2:40pm
Always something new here in Borrego, and Tia Robinson, a former teacher and resident of Borrego Springs, will be teaching her Transformational Mindfulness course May 9 through June 29 in the library Wednesday and Friday afternoons from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. “This will be a pilot course,” says Robinson, “for those who are interested in learning ways to live a more contented and rewarding life.”
Robinson explains further: “The training offers people an opportunity to examine their lives and tune up their personal management skills – their ability to relax, de-stress, and monitor life in the moment in order to make wiser choices and experience a broader perspective. Benefits include stress reduction, a heightened sense of well-being, and more harmonious relationships at work and at home.”
“The Borrego Springs Library is excited to introduce this new 8-week training course,” says library branch manager Tonya Gadbois, adding, “the course will continue in our new facility (after Borrego Days) so you can continue your mindfulness training during the fall and into the new year. We welcome the opportunity to help our community find ways to reduce stress and live healthy.”
According to Robinson, this course moves in increments that build upon each other throughout the 16 separate hour-long sessions. Practitioners learn how to make the mindful experience and personal transformation integral parts of their lives. “Participants will want to be able to attend all sixteen sessions in order to benefit fully,” she says.
Folks interested in this free program should sign up at the library.