Series of Earthquskes Hit California


Last updated 5/8/2018 at 2:13pm

A series of five temblors struck California within 18 hours Tuesday, as three of them occurred near a small town of Cabazon, according to the United States Geological Survey.

About 12 hours earlier, two more temblors hit.

The first occurred around 5:39 p.m. Monday, hit a few miles east of Ocotillo Wells, which lies 50 miles north of the Mexico border, and registered as a 2.5 magnitude.

Roughly an hour before the Ocotillo Wells temblor, a 4.5 magnitude quake hit in the Pacific Ocean, 56 miles west of the Northern California town of Ferndale. The city of 1,400 is known for its Victorian homes and storefronts and is considered the gateway to California's Lost Coast.

All five temblors struck at a depth of 7 to 10 miles, which seismologists consider shallow. Quakes between 2.5 and 5.4 are relatively frequent (30,000 a year) and can cause minor damage.

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