Borrego Sun - Since 1949

Support The BSPAC "Buy A Seat" Program


Last updated 4/6/2018 at 10:16am

The performing arts community has used many local venues over the years for their productions. (This information can be reviewed online at under ‘ABOUT THE THEATER’).

The current Borrego Springs Performing Arts Center (BSPAC) performance space was constructed as a part of the development of the mall in Borrego in 1980 – originally as a movie theater.

The BSPAC board of directors was formed in 1991 in order to utilize this space and to develop and encourage the performing arts in the community. The last major remodeling of the facility occurred in 1999 – 2000. This included expansion of the stage, development of restrooms/dressing rooms for local and visiting performers, and remodeling of the lobby space.

Jim and Anne Wermers have recently taken ownership of the Borrego malls and have been very active in making improvements such as painting the buildings, renovating water and sewer infrastructure and resurfacing of the parking lots.

The BSPAC board has also undertaken improvements: repairing and painting the plaster walls in the theater, and remodeling the adjacent retail space into an expanded lobby and new box office.

The community is experiencing a period of successful growth with the development of the Borrego Art Institute, the renovation of Rams Hill, the redevelopment of La Casa del Zorro, the construction of a new library and sheriff’s office, and the development of a new community playground. We feel that a vibrant Performing Arts Center will contribute to this growth.

The theater serves as a home for the BSPAC Performance Series, the Community Concert Series, the Borrego Springs Film Festival, ABDNHA lectures, and other community meetings including the Borrego Water District.

Safety issues have recently been identified within the theater. These issues must be addressed for the protection of all who attend events in the theater. The walkway that spans the theater between the main exits is sloped, which creates a falling hazard directly in front of the area designated for handicapped seating.

In order to change this walkway, we must remove the seats and demolish and replace a large portion of the concrete floor. The seats were installed in 1980. Because of the age of the seats, it is difficult to find parts or vendors to complete repairs. Now is the time to replace the seats.

BSPAC has revenue to partially fund this project. In order to complete financing, we are offering seat sponsorships with a ‘Buy A Seat’ program.

Each seat sponsorship is offered for a $500 tax-deductible donation. Your financial support will be recognized with a name plaque on a seat and on a separate plaque in the lobby.

A vibrant, safe, state of the art theater will add to the growth and success of Borrego Springs. Please join us in that effort.

Help us in supporting Performing Arts in the Desert!

– Borrego Springs Performing Arts Center Board

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