Water Plan Forum
Last updated 3/20/2018 at 9:23am
There was a record 122 Borregans gathered for a public Water District meeting held at UCI-Steele/Burnand Anza-Borrego Desert Research Center March 1.
Following a well-advertised get-out-the-word campaign in Spanish and English by community leaders in advance of the meeting, folks from around the Borrego Sub-basin came in to listen to the latest water policy summaries.
Members of the public then voiced both their appreciation of what the District is doing on availability and pricing, plus a few others voicing complaints about potential allocation decisions and their impacts.
The District board, GSP Advisory Committee members, reps from the County, and BWD consultants were, according to BWD General Manager Geoff Poole, “there to listen.”
A third of the audience was Latino, and it fell upon the considerable bilingual talents of former Miss Borrego Springs ’98-99 and current BWD Administrative Assistant Esmeralda Garcia to interpret, for two long hours, introductory District summaries and most of the public comments from English to Spanish and Spanish to English, and everything in between.
Full story in the March 22 issue of the Borrego Sun.