BSFPD Has New Bauer SCBA


Last updated 3/16/2018 at 10:05am

Borrego Springs Fire Protection District took delivery of a new Bauer SCBA (Self Contained Breathing Apparatus) refill station.

The unit is used to refill the breathing air bottles used by firefighters when entering burning structures. It is made by Bauer Compressors, can reach a refill pressure of 6,000 PSIG and will ensure that the Fire District remains in compliance with OSHA standards for compressed breathing air. The cost was $44,365. Half of which was paid for by a grant from the San Diego Regional Fire Foundation.

The other half came from the Fire District’s Capital Expense Account. This replaces the old unit that was over 20 years old and repair parts have become extremely scarce.

– John W. Hardcastle,

Fire Chief

Borrego Springs Fire Protection District

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