Borrego Sun - Since 1949

Join The ShakeOut, Practice Earthquake Safety


Last updated 10/16/2017 at 6:05pm

The County of San Diego’s Office of Emergency Services urges everyone to register to participate in the biggest earthquake drill in U.S. history Thursday Oct. 19 at 10:19 a.m. at

More than 9.8 million people in California and 14 other states will drop, cover and go under a desk or table (if applicable), or sit against an interior wall away from glass and heavy furniture, to practice their earthquake response. This year, so far, 850,000 San Diego County residents have registered for the drill .

The ShakeOut drill can be conducted in as little as 90 seconds.

Unpredictable earthquakes can happen at any moment, and the importance of disaster preparedness, and knowing what to do before, during and after a significant earthquake. Having a plan, disaster supplies and practicing your response with your family could mean escaping serious harm.

Learn what to do during an earthquake, and then walk around your home and secure furniture and wall hangings to prevent items from falling over during intense shaking and injuring someone.

Drill tips and information resources are available on the ShakeOut website. Free family disaster plan templates are also available on in multiple languages. The templates include a list of important items to assemble in your disaster emergency kit.