Borrego Sun - Since 1949

"Upzoning' for Borrego Springs?


Last updated 6/20/2017 at 8:54am

The County of San Diego is in the process of considering 'upzoning' within the District’s service area that could include another 500+ new EDU’s. Borrego Water District are currently looking into the legalities and ramifications of the 'upzoning' and for the District to consider taking a formal position. Professional advice is being sort by the members.

In a statement released earlier this month, BWD claims "the County’s past, present, and pending land use decisions have created financial uncertainties under SGMA. There will be times during the Count General Plan Amendment Process and/or SGMA GSP process where it will be most advantageous for BWD to go on record with its position. In addition, there may be steps that BWD can take by adopting various

resolutions/ordinances on SGMA-related land use issues.

Directors Brecht, Ehrlich and Staff have been talking to various law firms with specialties in this area. Staff have also been talking to potential firms to act as Legal Counsel for BWD."

An Equivalent Dwelling Unit or EDU is defined as one-single family residential household.

Multi family residential units and non residential facility EDU assessments are also calculated on a fixed “EDU basis” depending on the use. EDU’s are assessed per the Rules and Regulations noted in Section 6.1.5.

6.1.5 Classification and Equivalent Dwelling Units – The Classification and Equivalent Dwelling Unit for each type of property (category) serviced by the Authority

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