Borrego Sun - Since 1949

Help with Senior Projects Needed


Last updated 4/25/2017 at 9am

Dear Community Member:

Borrego Springs High School is inviting you to share your business expertise by participating in the evaluation of our graduating seniors during the completion of their Senior Project (SP).

Please save the date, Wednesday, May 17th, 2017 and the time, 1:00 to 3:00 PM. The intent of this program is to reinforce the relevance of their learning experience while producing a student who is better prepared to enter the emerging workforce.

Your involvement in evaluating the readiness of our students and providing them valuable feedback is vital to the overall process and success of this culminating event.

By completing the SP, students have a unique opportunity to demonstrate and apply all their years of education; they become explorers, creators, risk takers, decision makers, independent learners, and leaders.

Each student will present an 8-10 minute oral presentation with audio/visual aids. Then they will be questioned by the panel of evaluators. Your participation in the evaluation process will be quite simple. You will be provided a list of standard questions and an evaluation sheet for each student. Please feel free to note comments and ask specific questions related to the presentation.

I look forward to greeting you on May 17th at 12:45 PM. Thank you in advance for your involvement and support in this important program adding enrichment to the lives of our youth.

Please let me know of your availability to participate via email: or by calling 760.767.5357 ext. 510


Elizabeth Stephens, Ph.D.

District Counselor