Borrego Sun - Since 1949


Second installment late after April 10


Last updated 3/30/2017 at 9:10am

There’s more than one important Tax Day in April. The second installment of the 2016-2017 secured property taxes is due on April 10, San Diego Treasurer-Tax Collector Dan McAllister reminded taxpayers today.

On April 10, the Treasurer-Tax Collector’s (TTC) five branch locations will be open for their usual business hours of 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. instead of offering extended hours.

“E-pay is what we’re all about. More than half of taxpayers now pay their property taxes electronically. Join the movement and pay online at our website,,” said McAllister.

Any payments made after the close of business on April 10 will incur a 10 percent penalty plus a $10 fee. Avoiding late penalties is simple; just log onto to pay your property tax bill right away. Online payments are free, fast and secure if made by electronic check (e-check).

Last September, the TTC mailed out 989,089 annual secured property tax bills. They are expected to generate $5.66 billion for the County, up from $5.37 billion last year. So far, 98.68 percent of taxpayers have paid the first installment of their property tax bills, and 29.98 percent have paid their second installment, amounting to $3.65 billion collected.

“Because San Diego taxpayers are so responsible, they pay what they owe and they usually pay on time,” said McAllister. “We’re proud that over the past three years running, we’ve had a 99% tax collection rate. We’re hopeful again that San Diegans will step up to pay this year.”

Andie Jokerst

Communications Manager

San Diego County Treasurer-Tax Collector's Office

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