Team USA Wins back the CanAm Borrego Cup


Last updated 2/26/2017 at 11:02am

Michael Sadler

A well earned victory sip

Another year, and it was yet another CanAm Borrego Cup nail-biter, 14 matches to 13, for the 8th annual cross-border grudge tournament. Each side put up twenty-seven pairs, including many husband-wife teams, and when all was said and done after the two-day event, Team USA took back the trophy, a funky brass lamp supporting a second-hand chafing dish, from those interlopers to the north. As it stands now, USA has won four Cups, and there have been three ties, and of course that one measly win for Canada last year.

True, Team USA won by a not-very-whopping single match, but we'll take the win. This reporter and golfing buddy Joe Gamulin played in our first Cup (as did a score of other players), and while we didn't win our match, we sure did have fun out there, thanks to the fine organizing skills of Brandy Casey, the Wonder Woman of Borrego Golf, and her tourney team.