Girls Play Borrego ...
Last updated 3/11/2017 at 9:34am
For the twelth year, Borrego held its breath as forty girls tore through town and streaked across the golf courses.
The 12th Annual Borrego Girls Weekend saw a forty strong group of women kicking up their heels in Carlies after playing nine-holes at The Springs, happy hour at Ram's Hill and another nine-holes at the Borrego Springs Resort before a long interlude at the nineteenth hole. The three day event cumlinated with a private party catered for by El Borrego and an un-planned surprise by an impromptu performance by a local resident who has just returned from auditioning for 'America's Got Talent'
This team of wild women were happy to grab a few of the local men for a quick dance across Carlee's dance floor and more than happy to take a few of the wives for a spin as well.
Brings new meaning to the golf courses when you really are trying to 'catch a Birdie'.
The parting words of Caroline Haines, organiser of the group "What happens in Borrego, stays in Borrego."