Pickle Ball Tourney at Casa del Zorro


Last updated 2/9/2017 at 1:02pm

The fastest growing sport for seniors throughout America, continues to gain strength in support of a game that’s long on a good time, good exercise, short on a win-at-all cost mentality and brutal physical endurance. Witness the ultra-congenial round-robin tournament held at Casa del Zorro, where eighteen men and women gathered under the watchful eye of teaching pro Mike Rogers, who kept the tourney moving apace. It was clear to this reporter that while competition was pretty focused, and even intense at times between the revolving two-person teams, camaraderie and good sportsmanship held sway.

Oh, and with their fifteen dollar entry fee for this and other similar tourneys, all players won a prize, this time a paddle grip cover. Men and women interested in playing pickle ball should send an e-mail to mrogerstennis@gmail.com.

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