Julian - Christmas Trees


Last updated 12/11/2016 at 8:56am

Linda Stanley

Staff at Julian Christmas Trees happy to provide the holiday spirit.

Head out to Julian for a fresh cut Christmas tree before Dec. 18 at 5.00 PM. Julian Christmas Tree Ranch are open each week Wednesday through Sunday from 9.00 AM to 5.00 PM. With Freshly-Topped White Firs and Noble Firs, Handcrafted Wreaths and Holiday Goodies.

All Trees are local-grown Topped or Cut which takes away the back breaking labor.

All customers are welcomed with hot coffee, cocoa and Baily's for a hot toddy.

Located on 1464 CA Hwy.78 Julian CA 92036 - just east of SR 79 Call (619) 987-1330 http://julianchristmastreeranch.com/

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