New Deputy Hits Town


Last updated 11/16/2016 at 6:35pm

Suzanne Howarth

There's a new face in town, but it's probably not one you want to see too often. Deputy Sheriff Pete Wagner (also known as 'the young one') is back in Borrego Springs.

Some residents will know him from his past life as the Schools Resource Officer before he left for a posting in San Diego, but we are happy to announce that he is back. Deputy Sheriff Painter has already put him to work handing out stickers to children at Borrego Days and Wagner is looking forward to spending more time becoming a local. "I wanted to go rural and I loved Borrego Springs when I was here," says Wagner "mountains, desert and then when I head home, I can go to the beach and that can all be in one day."

Wagner will be maintaining his home in San Diego and living in Borrego when he is on duty. If you need to get in touch with the Sheriff's department call 911. If it is a non-emergency situation call the communications centre on 858-565-5200.

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